I'm a sucker for scarves and I got a couple of new ones although it is still warm here in the UK. I've been wanting a light tartan scarf for a while and it's so hard to find one with the right colours, I love the one I got from Zara! I also got another snuggly scarf from Pull & Bear which looks really nice on. I can't wait for autumn to come so I can start wearing scarves again.
Shoes are one of the most difficult things for me to buy because I have size 2 feet. Zara have a select few that come in size 2 on their website. I bought a pair of flats and a pair of heels, the heels were too big to get away with though so I had to return those. However, the Zara Kids shoes are a better fit when it comes to size 2 so I got another pair of shoes which I really love. I wish I had bigger feet!
I love shopping for home goods! I always make sure to browse the H&M home section when I'm there. I could have come out with a lot more but I had to limit myself (ahh I still really want that wooden tray!) My wire-basket theme continued in Tiger (another favourite!), the lovely geometric wire basket/bowl was only £4!
What have you purchased recently?